Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Liebster Award


I was nominated for this award by the lovely Becca (http://wearetakingthiswaytooslow.blogspot.co.uk/)

                                                   These are the rules for the award:

1. Each person must post 11 things about themselves
 2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you plus create 11 questions for the people you've   tagged to answer.
 3. Choose 11 people and tag them in your post.
 4. Go to their page and tell them.
 5. No tag backs!

                                                          11 facts about me
  1. I am currently writing this post in London as I am doing a 2 week internship at Reveal Magazine doing fashion and beauty.
  2. My favourite coffee is a vanilla latte
  3. At the moment I love shopping at Zara and Primark.
  4. I prefer twitter to Facebook
  5. I am really excited for the new Batman film to be released
  6. I have a tattoo of a Bow on the back of my neck
  7. I am going on holiday to Verona in September with my boyfriend.
  8. I really appreciate politeness
  9. The last film I watched was Breakfast at Tiffanys
  10. My favourite beauty brand at the moment is Pixi
  11. I love French designers such as The Kooples and Sandro 

                                                           Questions asked

  1. Favourite Brand of Make-up?- I go through phases at the moment it's Benefit or Pixi and I do always like Bourjois. 
  2. Favourite takeaway?- Fish and Chips without a doubt!
  3. Skin product you can't live without?-A cleanser just a witch hazel boots own brand one would do just fine!
  4. Preferred brand of nail polish?- Nails Inc
  5. Do you have any phobias?- I have lots of little phobias such as spiders.
  6. Where do you buy most of your clothes? -A mixture but over all River Island
  7. What expensive product would you buy if you could afford too?- The no no hair removal and an Alexander Wang handbag
  8. Last Book I bought?- An Education by Lynn Barber  
  9. Favourite think to cook?- Salmon and potato salad
  10. What made you chose your blog name?- It was originally part of my uni course and I wanted my blog to be about keeping track of what I buy and spend my money on.
  11. Cinema or watching films at home?- Cinema, always!   

                                                     My questions

  1. Who is your style icon?
  2. What is the last book you read?
  3. What is your favourite film?
  4. What are your bad habits?
  5. What is your favourite make-up product?
  6. What is your most expensive beauty product?
  7. Who is your favourite blogger?
  8. What made you want to start blogging?
  9. Where is your favourite place to shop?
  10. What do you find most difficult about blogging?
  11. What is your best Summer beauty buy?         
                                                  My nominations

  1. http://www.hellomissniki.com/
  2. http://www.dizzybrunette3.com/ 
  3. http://megancatherinenorris.blogspot.co.uk/
  4. http://emily--charlotte.blogspot.co.uk/
  5. http://makemeupkia.blogspot.co.uk/
  6. http://emi-doll.blogspot.co.uk/
  7. http://freedomofpeachk.blogspot.co.uk/
  8. http://escaping-emma.blogspot.co.uk/
  9. http://sleepandwater.blogspot.co.uk/
  10. http://amplecurvature.blogspot.co.uk/
  11. http://farewell-tothefairground.blogspot.co.uk/


  1. I'm with you on politeness and being excited about the new Batman movie! Hoping to catch a screening on the day of its release, or close to :) I also really love Bourjois, they make excellent products, especially their blush and foundations.

  2. thanks so much for including me in this Gemma :) x
