The lovely Megan Norris ( ) has awarded me with The Versatile Blog Award which I am really chuffed with as its great to see that people are enjoying my blog posts.
Here are the rules: Thank the person that nominated you back with a link. Tell 7 things about you and pass this on to 10 newly discovered blogs and let them know they received the award.
7 Things About Me
1.) I have a new obsession with the Tv show Mad Men and want to dress like Betty Draper.
2.) My favourite drink is Malibu and Coke
3.) I love bird cage style jewellery or prints.
4.) My favourite band are The Libertines and my boyfriend got me a signed poster of them for my 18th.
5.) I have a collection of Norwegian Peg Dolls (they are not as freaky as they sound they are really pretty, honest)
6.) When I was little I wanted to be a Painter despite the fact i'm not very good at drawing.
7.) I am so excited for this Summer doing internships and going to see Blur at Hyde Park and I am hoping to plan many more exciting things as I love having things to look forward too!
10 Blogs
Audrey's armistice.
Oggies Amazing Wardrobe
Petit Chatons
Fleur De Force
Fashion Frolics
Perfectly Polished
Improbable Dreamer's Nail Art
Vicki's Beauty Blog