Saturday, 31 March 2012

I Wish I Was Betty Draper

With the new series of Mad Men approaching the stars are all over newspapers and magazines. The show is known for it's amazing style being set in the 60s in New York. It was in this show that I developed my new fashion crush on the troubled Betty Draper played by January Jones. Her Grace Kelly beauty and little shirts, pastel colours with butterfly and flower prints has given her a distinctive style. You can even get a Betty Barbie doll however it is £80. I must say she is very different to all my past fashion crushes such as black haired Alison Mosshart with her skinny jeans and skull scarves. However thanks to Mad Men I now aim to own white cat eyed sunglasses, shirts with pretty patterns on them and pleated skirts. Here are some pictures of my favourite Betty looks: 

Also I am loving Florida and am planning on going to Banna Republic to get somthing from the new Mad Men collection!

Sunday, 25 March 2012

What To Wear When Travelling

 It's now not long till I head off on Holiday to Florida. Unfortunately I am not a happy traveler prone to travel sickness I've never enjoyed flying. My main necessities are my i-pod , eye mask and a stock of fashion magazines (yes I am also an unsociable traveller, my boyfriends going to have fun sitting next to me for this long flight). Comfort is also very important so its a great opportunity to buy some comfy soft clothes. I love this River Island cardigan teamed with this Zadig and Voltaire vest if I get hot and uncomfortable. I never normally wear joggers and was planning on travelling in leggings but these Topshop jogger look very cute. I really, really want this Mulberry travel wallet perfect for being organised plus its Mulberry!            

                                                            River Island Cardigan £40

Zadig & Voltaire Top £110 

Topshop Peach Metallic Joggers £25

Mulberry Travel Wallet £295

Thursday, 22 March 2012

The Versatile Blogger Award

The lovely Megan Norris ( ) has awarded me with The Versatile Blog Award which I am really chuffed with as its great to see that people are enjoying my blog posts.

Here are the rules: Thank the person that nominated you back with a link. Tell 7 things about you and pass this on to 10 newly discovered blogs and let them know they received the award.

7 Things About Me

1.) I have a new obsession with the Tv show Mad Men and want to dress like Betty Draper.

2.) My favourite drink is Malibu and Coke

3.) I love bird cage style jewellery or prints.

4.) My favourite band are The Libertines and my boyfriend got me a signed poster of them for my 18th.

5.)  I have a collection of Norwegian Peg Dolls (they are not as freaky as they sound they are really pretty, honest)

6.) When I was little I wanted to be a Painter despite the fact i'm not very good at drawing.

7.) I am so excited for this Summer doing internships and going to see Blur at Hyde Park and I am hoping to plan many more exciting things as I love having things to look forward too!

10 Blogs

Audrey's armistice.

.Oggies Amazing Wardrobe

Petit Chatons

Fleur De Force


Fashion Frolics


Perfectly Polished

Improbable Dreamer's Nail Art

Vicki's Beauty Blog

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Isabel Marant Street Style at Paris Fashion Week

This is going to be my last Paris post but I have saved the best for last. It was brilliant to be amongst the buzz of fashion week and was perfect for people watching. The street style outside Isabel Marant's show proved that individual style is more important then following trends. There was lots of lovely block colours and a lovely tasseled cream jumper. A tartan dress and many fur jackets to keep warm. Anna Dello Russo (editor of Vogue Japan) surprisingly chose a more classic style black dress but had lots of amazing statement   accessories. I had such an amazing time am definitely planning on going back to Paris soon.



Sunday, 18 March 2012

Ear Cuff

I used to wear Ear Cuffs all the time when I was younger due to the fact I wasn't allowed to have my ears pierced till I was 12. So to try and make up for it I used to buy ear cuffs to hook around the top of my ear. I used to find them hard to find when I was younger only finding them in independent shops that sold lots of dream catchers, so I was quite surprised when they hit the high street this year except these one have a little earring attached to them. I bought this little fairy one from a jewellery shop in Paris. I love the design of it and the butterfly style cuff and chain.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Karl Lagerfeld for Sephora Eye Palette

I absolutly love this eye palette. I went to Sephora with the aim to get something by Karl Lagerfeld and am so happy with this purchase. The black chic style with gold writing and the shades in the shape of Karl's silhouette it's almost too good to use. I also like the variation of colours which means it has a shade for each season and mood. This is definitely my favourite Paris purchase.

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Watermellon Nail Art

Getting into the Summer spirit and partly due to boredom I decided to experiment with some nail art designs. Pleasantly Surprised at how these watermelon style ones turned out plus they are very easy to do. For the bright pink base I used Nails Inc polish in shade 'Shoreditch' and then in the style of a French Manicure I painted the white tips of my nails green in Barry Ms green polish. I then did black dots to represent the seeds on a watermelon using my Andrea Fullerton nail art stripe and sparkle brush. Then all I had to do was put on a No7 top coat so it won't chip easily. So simple to do, now just hoping I can find or think up more designs that are as easy as this one.

Friday, 9 March 2012

Sephora Smash Box Mascara

I picked up this mascara from Sephora in Paris. The Smash Box Full Exposure Mascara is one of the few mascara's that I have tried that doesn't dry out my lashes so I can apply as many coats as like through out the day with out it becoming clumpy or getting flakes of black mascara around my eyes. It's nice and light yet still adds lots of extra length perfect for creating the doll like look featured on many catwalks for this Spring/Summer.

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Sephora Smash Box Tinted Moisturiser

In Paris I was determined to go to make-up store Sephora, I went with the mind set to get things I actually needed. With the holidays coming up I plan to ditch foundation in favour of tinted moisturiser. I have never used make-up brand Smash Box before but have heard many great things about them so I thought I would try their products out. Their simple plain black and white packaging makes it seem bland against they pretty retro glamour designs of some other brands such as benefit but the quality of the products makes up for that. The sheer focus tinted moisturiser is oil free and I only need a tiny smaller then a pea size amount for full coverage and it gives me a healthy glow.  

Monday, 5 March 2012


I came back from Paris yesterday and it really was beautiful. Eating lots of delicious food and trawling markets and shops with friends it made a brilliant weekend.

When I went to the Louvre to see the Mona Lisa a few years back I was disappointed feeling let down by the hype of this realistically small painting behind a roped barrier. However this time round, going with low expectations I found her quite enchanting. I couldn't help but smile back at her and be smug at the fact that I could now see what the big deal is about her. We also walked across the many bridges and came across this beautiful romantic gesture of hundreds of locks attached to the railings with love notes and initials written on them. We had the intention to attend some shows but unfortunately didn't feel brave enough to attempt to blag away in but we were lucky enough to be surrounded by the outside buzz of Isabel Marant's show and took many pictures of the fashionable Parisian stars.

I will upload some blog posts on the street style and and my exciting beauty buys later this week.

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Mulberry Shop Window

When I went to Westfield's shopping centre in Stratford I could not help but stare lovingly at this window display. Capturing the Spring/Summer campaign beautifully this golden shop is unbelievably pretty. I love the ice cream concept and plan on using it as my main influence for an upcoming project when I have to do a fashion shoot. Inspired by the cute candy and sweet pastel trend this year.